Take that Covid-19!

With Churston having being closed for a week due to Covid-19, the school went digital. Students kept learning from home, resources sent out over Google Classroom:

Students even sent there own pictures back in in response to the work set – Good on you!

Churston has gone viral on Twitter – just check out my thread at the bottom of the page!

Lessons on YouTube

As many of you know, I posted some somewhat cringey videos on YouTube so that exam classes wouldn’t fall behind, here are some of them:

Lesson on X-Ray Attenuation
Lesson on X-Ray Momentum

I even posted one about wiring a plug… Probably my most embarrassing!

The videos got a little attention and I am please to have received some nice feedback from students and staff. Our Deputy Head Teacher was on BBC Spotlight and set me up somewhat!

I tweeted the outcome:

There you have it… my moment of fame! COVID-19 didn’t stop Churston from educating!

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